Weekly bible studies, prayer, and serving our community
Sylmar & San Fernando Motels
Every Saturday from 1:30PM - 4:30PM
We meet in motels in Sylmar and San Fernando in teams to go door to door giving away lunches, praying for and inviting residents to join us for discovery bible studies in the parking lot.
Woodland Hills & Chatsworth Motels
Every Saturday from 10AM - 12:30PM
We meet in motels in Woodland Hills & Chatsworth in teams to pray for and invite residents to join us for discovery bible studies. -
Valley Prayer & Praise Nights
Usually First Friday every month 7PM - 9PM
We rotate locations and churches that lead the monthly prayer & praise nights. We are interceding together for the body of Christ in our city and the least, last, and lost. We’re always looking for more churches or believers who want to join us in a spirit of humility and biblical unity.
Training & Equipping
We teach evangelism, disciple making movement, prayer walking, and how to bring good news to the poor classes. Some examples are: 72 Class, Proclaiming Good News to The Poor, and a DMM Cohort.